The Optimal Healthy Workplace Assessment

The Optimal Healthy Workplace Assessment is an online survey tool that assesses the four domains of an Optimal Healthy Workplace. It is intended to help assess and operationalize what it means to be an Optimal Healthy Workplace by identifying where your organization is on its journey, then providing actionable recommendations for improvement.

The Optimal Healthy Workplace Assessment:

1) Rates your current initiatives. The rating scale is not an attempt to obtain a precise numerical grade, but to develop an understanding for where your organization is along a continuum of becoming an Optimal Healthy Workplace.

2) Stratifies results by role. Viewing results by employee segment helps to understand how deeply incorporated health and well-being initiatives are embedded into the culture of the organization.

3) Identifies gaps in practice. Through a report describing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

OHW Assessment


Samueli Institute

Samueli Institute's approach to wellness in the workplace is unique in that we are a non-profit research organization focused on whole system, whole person healing. The Institute was founded in 2001 by Susan and Henry Samueli and is advancing the science of healing worldwide by:

  • Applying academic rigor to research on the science of healing, well-being and resilience.
  • Translating evidence into action for U.S. Military, corporations, and large-scale health systems.
  • Fostering wellness through self-care to create a flourishing society.
  • Helping organizations evaluate, understand and implement healing practices to allow for evidence-based decision making.