Toward general experimentation and discovery in conditioned laboratory spaces: Part II. pH-change experience at four remote sites, 1 year later

Journal Article

By: W; Dibble Jr. Tiller, W ; Shealy, C; Nunley, R
Publication Name: J Altern Complement Med
Year: 2004

OBJECTIVES: (1) To demonstrate information entanglement between separated sites of a single experimental system over distances of 1500-2000 miles and (2) to provide experimental DeltapH(t)-data, above the theoretical value for conditioned spaces, over a long time period for these various sites. DESIGN: The same as Part I of this series but with two additional control sites, 1500-2000 miles distant from any intention imprinted electrical device (IIED) site. SETTING/LOCATION: The same as Part I but scientific laboratories for the two additional control sites. SUBJECTS: Three IIED sites plus five control sites. INTERVENTIONS: None. RESULTS: DeltapH(t)-data variations with time, over a long time duration, for all sites. CONCLUSIONS: Major information entanglement exists between IIED sites and non-IIED sites, even at separation distances in excess of 2000 miles.

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