Biopsychosocial Training Programs for the Self-Management of Emotional Stress

A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials

By: Dawn Bellanti, Courtney Boyd, Raheleh Khorsan, Katherine Smith, Pamela Elfenbaum, Alex York, Lynn Teo, Ashley Price, Meghan O’Connell, John Bingham, Cindy Crawford
Publication Name: Samueli Institute
Year: 2016

Multimodal biopsychosocial training programs incorporating complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) techniques have the potential to prevent and reduce stress-related symptoms. Although the inclusion of these therapies into conventional treatment programs has gained acceptance over the years, there are still challenges in their implementation; in particular, a significant shortcoming is the limited availability of evidence based information about the most effective programs. Samueli Institute has rigorously evaluated the scientific literature on multimodal, biopsychosocial training programs for the self-management of emotional stress in order to provide synthesized and clearly organized information to guide researchers, clinicians, and policy-makers as they develop new programs and assess the utility of existing ones.